To inform staff, parents, volunteers and governors about the school’s responsibilities for safeguarding children. To enable everyone to have a clear understanding of how these responsibilities should be carried out.
The school follows the procedures established by the Local Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire Procedures Manual.
School staff Governors and volunteers are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour and failure to develop because they have daily contact with children.
All school staff and volunteers will receive safeguarding children training, so that they are knowledgeable and aware of their role in the early recognition of the indicators of abuse or neglect and of the appropriate procedures to follow. This training is refreshed annually.
Temporary staff will be made aware of the safeguarding policies and procedures by the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). New staff, volunteers and Governors will be expected to read this policy as part of their induction process, in conjunction with Part One of Keeping Children Safe in Education (Sept 2016)