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Our Curriculum Vision:

Our curriculum builds on the strong roots of our values to take the children on a journey of knowledge to ‘grow a love for learning’ and develop skills for life.

Curriculum Intent

King’s Cliffe Endowed Primary School aims to meet the needs of all children to fulfil their potential. As a school, we strive to offer all pupils an inspirational theme-based curriculum, which engages them in their learning and gives purpose. We provide all children with a high level of academic opportunity and personal development.

In our school, children are encouraged to be respectful of the diverse world they are part of, and to be considerate of all individuals’ values, beliefs and customs.

We believe that happiness, mental and physical fitness are at the heart of every part of the education we offer. Our environment nurtures self-worth whilst challenging children in being resilient and in having self-discipline and high aspirations for themselves.

As a school, we aim to foster children who are reflective and have a genuine curiosity for ‘growing a love for learning.’ A broad and balanced curriculum with purposeful learning opportunities supports the development of children’s mindset that learning is a pleasure, and school is an experience to enjoy.

As 21st century British citizens, children are encouraged to be collaborative, contribute to their own education and develop responsibility and independence that are the foundations for lifelong learning.

Curriculum Implementation

At KCEPS we link all learning to the national curriculum and develop pupil’s knowledge through a broad curriculum with a progressive teaching approach that aims to challenge children in wanting to aspire to do their best whilst ‘growing a love for learning.’

Ambitious curriculum maps are produced for each year group and for each subject to ensure clarity of coverage and continuous progression. We have a mastery approach to all teaching, where plans support success for every child through adult support, questioning, differing resources and a cognitively developing environment.

We ensure that our teaching reflects our past, present and the future we want our children to be a part of and contribute to. In all our teaching, we support children to be mindful of who they are and reflect upon what they need to do to maintain a high level of mental and physical wellbeing to be able to make choices to achieve their potential and challenge themselves.

We use active lessons and wide-ranging styles of teaching to develop the children’s independence of thought, whilst building on our three curriculum drivers:

  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Reflection

Through our curriculum and enrichment activities (clubs, inspirational visitors, trips and workshops), which deepen children’s understanding of the world they live in and their place within it, we promote strong self-belief, so all children develop their confidence to follow their interests in school and beyond.

Curricululum Impact

We strive that our children’s attainment and progress in core and non-core subjects are at age expectation or above. We measure children’s attainment and progress with high expectations, enabling all children to reach their potential.

Our learners leave us with a strong moral compass - understanding how their own values are helping them to achieve as individuals. We measure this through the work our children produce and, in the attitudes, and behaviours we see every day in and around school and the contributions they make to their community.

Through our curriculum, we prepare children for lifelong learning - becoming responsible citizens in modern Britain and the wider world. We hope for our children to be confident and inspired to continue ‘growing a love for learning’ beyond our school gates.

The National Curriculum

At KCEPS we follow The National Curriculum programme of study to ensure our pupils receive a broad and balanced learning experience. Further information about our curriculum is available on request. All year groups experience at least three enrichment opportunities a year, where at least one is a trip out of school. In addition to this, Years 3 and 4 have a two night residential trip and Years 5 and 6 have a four night residential trip. After gaining parents’ views these take place biennial to spread the cost for families. Teachers are constantly considering how to provide their pupils with rich and exciting learning experiences. Often learning will take place outside where children can work in a different environment other than their classroom.

Please click on the links to find out more about the curriculum overview.

If you wish to know more about our school's curriculum, please contact the school office who can direct you to the best person to help you.